How to Turn Your Chime On and Off

Your chime is the audio feature that sounds every time a door or window sensor is opened while your system is disarmed. It can help mothers keep track of their kids coming in and out of the house, or alert them if a toddler is wandering out the back door into the street. The chime could also alert you if someone is trying to break in while you’re home and your system is disarmed. While some customers love this feature and find it very useful, others would rather not use it. Turning this feature on and off using your Simon XT panel is very simple, so whichever category you fall into, we hope you find these instructions helpful!

You will use the up, down, and OK buttons located in the upper right hand corner of the panel, just right of the blue screen. *Note: If you scroll through options too slowly, the system will time-out and take you back to the main screen. If you have this problem, try simply scrolling through the options faster.

To Turn Chime OFF:

1. Press down once or twice until the blue screen reads “chime on.” Press OK. “On” should start flashing.

2. Press down and it will start flashing “Off.” Press OK to save it. Chime is now turned off.

To Turn Chime ON:

1. Press down once or twice until the blue screen reads “chime off.” Press OK. “Off” should start flashing.

2. Press down and it will start flashing “On.” Press OK to save it. Chime is now turned on.

If you have any trouble or further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our technical support at 1.866.722.9030

Watch a video about our chime feature here!

Posted on September 27, 2011, in Company News. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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